Ethphila Melanogaster, our little ether-loving dark-bellied friend, is the common ethereum fly. The name comes from ether (Ancient Greek: αἰθήρ, the quintessential component of the Ethereum network), philos (Ancient Greek: φίλος, meaning loving, and with a Latinate feminine ending as phila), melas (Ancient Greek: μέλας, meaning dark coloured), and gaster (Ancient Greek: γαστήρ, meaning belly).

Ethphila Melanogaster (ethphila, for short) is an inhabitant of the Ethereum network. Ethphila is born, lives, and multiplies thanks to a computer program stored on the Ethereum blockchain, called smart contract. Each individual of this crypto-species is an NFT (non-fungible token) identified by a unique code called the crypto-DNA.

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